Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Sometimes that's all you have left. Never give up on prayer and the power of it. Sometimes it seems like things are at their end and there is no where to go. That feeling can be so overwhelming. Many have lost hope all together and ended their lives. Others have lost faith in God and turned their backs on him, unfortunately.  Proverbs 20:30 speaks about how pain makes us more susceptible to God. Isn't that the truth??? When we are in a bind, who do we call? Jesus!! Something about that name, huh?

We have to realize that sometimes we put ourselves in situations and let ourselves down. We then expect God to fix it with a snap of a finger. It doesn't always work like that. We learn more and more about ourselves when we are in uncomfortable situations. Some people find out how much of a coward they are, while others find their true strength!! We have to start taking these moments in our lives and make them beneficial to us. Just like a performance evaluation, for example. When you are evaluated, you learn your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know them, you have something to work on or maintain. The idea here is to identify the strengths and weaknesses. Don't run from them, face them head on and figure how to fix them or maintain. Never, ever get complacent, in life! Life is so full of opportunity and changes! Position yourself to take a hold of these changes, embrace them, and continue to grow.

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