Today is my mother's birthday. She would have been 51 years old. Growing up, I've always planned in my head different parties and events I would love to throw for people I care dear for. One event planned out was my mother's 50th birthday party. What a joy to live to be able to see such an age, right? Unfortunately, my mother passed away September 6, 2009 from cancer.
Cancer. Just the very word makes my mouth dry and my heart filled with anger. Cancer has turned into the new AIDS. I still remember growing up and just hearing the word, brought fear to our minds. AIDS were killing people left and right! It was like a war and the only answer was defeat! To me AIDS have been replaced with the word Cancer. EVERY family in America is being affected by this disaster, this epidemic.
I still remember the day my mother had a fever of 104 and we were about to rush her to the emergency room. The nurse decided to call the doctor first to see if there was anything we could do before taking her to the ER. The doctor, thinking only as a doctor, not as a human, said that my mother was dying and there was nothing we could do. "She's in the last stages now, it won't be long." Now, imagine someone telling you that about your 48 year old mother, with no remorse, no emotion, no nothing. I was so mad but guess what, there's nothing I could do but look at her fragile body and feel guilty for being helpless.
Ok! Whhooo-sigggghhhhh I'm going to ease up on this topic because I always end up mad and upset!! But, I will say Happy Birthday to the Late Sharon McIntyre. I will love you forever and always.
This picture was taken 2 months before she passed away. I was so mad at her because I had just came from Memphis in May at 6:00am and she called me at 8:00am telling me to come to Camden, 2 hours away to take family pictures. I was grouchy the whole time but I'm so happy I did!
Before she was diagnosed.
Mrs. Mac, as I use to call her, was a very good friend of mine and someone that I truly miss. I think of her quite often and wish that I had one more opportunity to hear her voice and see her warm smile. Although I only knew her for a few years, she made me feel so welcomed whether I was at her home, her church, or even at work, so much that it felt as if I had known her my whole life. No matter how sick she was, she always thought of others first. I remember visiting with her, a few weeks before she passed, and her worrying about not being able to buy my daughter a gift for her birthday. She kept saying, "I haven't forgotten about J, does she still like Deal or No Deal?" my only concern was that she start feeling better, but her being the wonderful person that she was, she was concerned about my child. It brings tears to my eyes to see these pictures of her. Mrs. Mac was truly an Angel sent from God.
ReplyDeleteThanks Natasha. My mother was a very strong but sweet women. She was so humble!! I thank God for having a mother like her.